+ Papers +
+ Format for abstracts
Abstracts should be hand in a
two-page format by email and fax -- a good target is about 500 words of text
on the first page with supporting
on the second page. Original
or good halftones should be included.
the abstract, please indicate
the author
to whom correspondence should
be addressed,
and include mailing address,
telephone number,
fax number, and (particularly
helpful) e-mail
The papers presented at the conference
will be published by the Materials Research
Society. In the past the books resulting
from this meeting have been very popular,
and have found highest acceptance as information
sources for advanced metallization.
+ Abstracts are due: June 19, 2006
Notification of authors: July 18, 2006. Upon
notification, authors will be
requested to
confirm their intention to participate
the conference.
+ Papers are due : September 1, 2006
Authors submit abstracts to:
Asian Conference Secretariat
ADMETA 2006 : 16th Asian Session
Ohtsuka 3chome Bldg.
3-11-6 Ohtsuka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
FAX: +81-3-5940-7980
e-mail: jimukyoku@admeta.org |