(1) Instructions for the preparation of a
manuscript for JJAP
Please see details in the following
How to write A Research Paper (PDF)
Instructions for preparation of manuscript
Agreement for Copyright Transfer and for
Publication Charge Payment (PDF)
(2) Submission period
September 2 to November 10, 2013
Your paper(s) can be submitted through the
following URL.
(3) Type of Papers
You can choose Regular Paper (RP) or Brief
Note (BN) as shown below. The type of the
submitted paper cannot be changed after submission.
Regular Papers <RP>
・ No page limitation.
・ Abstract should be no more than 150 words.
・ Papers should be comprised of sections
with titles, e.g., Introduction, Experimental
Methods, Results and Discussion, etc.
Brief Notes <BN>
・ The maximum length is two printed pages
(about 2060 words).
・ Abstract should be no more than 100 words.
・ BN should not be divided into sections
with titles.
(4) Publication Charge
Authors or their institutions are requested
to pay the publication charge according to
the following rates when the paper is accepted.
10,000JPY/printed page
(5) Reprints
You can order reprints in lots of 50 copies
if needed with extra charge. See details
in the following URL.
(6) Agreement for Copyright Transfer and
Publication Charge Payment
After your paper is accepted for publication,
fill in the attached form and send it to
JJAP office via Fax.
(7) Others
Instructions for preparation of manuscripts,
Agreement for Copyright Transfer and Publication
Charge Payment, LaTeX style sheets can be
downloaded from the following URL.
http://jjap.ipap.jp/special/downloads.html |