*Please cooperate for favorable progress of the meeting.
(1) We strongly recommend to use computer that we set up in the conference
hall. Please submit your presentation file to ADMETA Secretariat by e-mail
no later than the day prior to your talk.
ADMETA Secretariat: weishuhua@ncut.edu.cn
Data format: PowerPoint 2007 or later / PDF
(2) If you are not able to submit your presentation file by e-mail, pleasebring
an electronic copy using USB Flash Memory to the ADMETA Conference,and
copy it to our PC before the first session starts if your talk is inthe
morning or during the lunch time if your talk is in the afternoon.
(3) Please come to the next-speaker's seat near by our PC at least 15 minutes
prior to your talk.
(4) The bell rings when the time left becomes 5 minutes and 1 minute. Please
keep your presentation time.
(5) Presenters are requested to stand by at a designated presenter's corner
in a following break for an offline discussion.